+48 603 779 939
Our most popular procedures:

Breast lift – post operative recommendations

  • During the first two weeks after surgery you should take Vitamin C; 3x 1 tablet
  • Every second day change the dressing and clean the wound with salicylic spirit (alcohol) or perhydrol liquid and put the antibiotic ointment Betadine or Nitrofurazon;
  • It is advised to change the dressing in sterile dispensary;
  • 3 weeks after surgery scarfs should be greased with Dermatix ointment (twice a day);
  • During 6 weeks after surgery you have to wear the bra day and night;
  • For 3 weeks from your surgery every (even simple) activity, that requires physical efford like: cleaning, vaccuming or washing is forbidden;
  • During the first 6 weeks you cannot do any exercises, e.g aerobic, fitness, swimming, etc.
  • During the first 3 months: sun-bathing, solarium and sauna are forbidden;
  • Patient received a prescribtion for / Patient was given medication from Clinic:
    • Painkiller medication: Ketonal (in case of pain)
    • Ointment with antibiotic: BETADINE or NITROFURAZON
+48 603 779 939
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